Important Places

As they say in Real Estate..... location, location, location.....

The best part of working with A-Cs is that you don't have to stay in one place.

Touched by An Alien

Pueblo Caliente, Arizona  Kitty’s hometown.  Her parents, Angela and Sol Katt, still live there.

Roswell, New Mexico  There’s a warehouse that stores dead super-beings.

The Dome (aka The Crash Site)  Near Roswell, New Mexico.  Mainly used as a Transference Center, especially for larger vehicles.

Home Base  Groom Lake Air Force Base, Nevada.  AKA Area 51.  Fifteen stories, mostly underground.  Earth Agencies have the top three levels, then there are two levels that are shared, and the A-Cs have the bottom ten levels.

Dulce Science Center  Dulce, New Mexico.  Located about 300 miles northwest of Roswell and the Dome.  Smaller than Home Base, but still pretty large.

Euro Base  located in Paris, France.

East Base  located in New York City.

Caliente Base  small base located just outside of Pueblo Caliente.